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2nd Friday ArtAbout!

Pence Gallery (Pence) 212 D St., Davis, CA, United States

Don’t miss 2nd Friday ArtAbout at the Pence Gallery on March 11, 6-9pm! During our public reception, you can:   View our new exhibit upstairs: Tinderbox: Water in the West by Jeff Downing A series of paired sculptures that address the critical water shortage affecting the natural habitats of the Western United States. On display […]

Free Admission

Tuleyome Spring Thing – A Picnic on the Preserve

Woodland Regional Park Preserve 20179 County Road 102, Woodland, CA, United States

Mark your calendars for the first Tuleyome Spring Thing - a day of fun nature experiences at Woodland Regional Park Preserve on March 19, 2022, from 10 am to 5 pm. In addition to meeting Tuleyome's amazing team - staff, Board, volunteers - guests will have the opportunity to join in many activities from guided […]

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