
Gina Werfel & Hearne Pardee: Fragments

Pence Gallery (Pence) 212 D St., Davis

PENCE GALLERY. Fragments highlights recent paintings, collages, and drawings of Gina Werfel and Hearne Pardee. Both have recently retired from teaching at UC Davis, having spent more than 20 years teaching art, in addition to maintaining busy studio practices. Despite the differences between their respective work, they each approach their practice with the intent of layering or fragmenting multiple points of view or perspectives. Free


Digital Painting Class

2005 GUMBINGER AVE, woodland ca 2005 GUMBINGER AVE, woodland ca, Woodland

SCHOOL OF BUILDING YOUR CRAFT, Woodland. The class will focus on conceptual and optical theory to give you tools to navigate and execute a painting digitally. Class will cover: describing form with value, navigating color wheel/sliders, color and painting theory, laws of light, & material rendering. 4p—7p. $600

Woodland Community College Student Showcase

Gallery 625 625 Court St, Erwin Meier Admin Building, Woodland

GALLERY 625. Student showcase features a group exhibition of the WCC Kingsley Merit Scholarship finalists along with the work of students from the Woodland Community College art program. M-F, 8a—5p. Free

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Photography Club of Davis

Mary L. Stephens Davis Branch Library 315 East 14th Street, Davis

STEPHENS BRANCH LIBRARY. The meeting will include a showing, discussion, and audience critique of member-submitted images. Some images that need work and "before" and "after" images will be included. Discussion and critique is designed to be friendly and constructive. 7:10p—8:45p. Free

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