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The Health Effects of Loneliness and Isolation

Online via Zoom

Human beings are social creatures with a powerful fundamental need to' belong.' Join in an online discussion with Dr. Rebecca Boxer of UC Davis Healthy Aging on this topic. She will share insights, data and recent research on the health and psychological effects of isolation and prolonged loneliness. Time for audience Q & A will […]


Think. Do. Discover. A Case for the Humanities in the Age of STEM

UC Davis Alumni Center

UCD ALUMNI CENTER. Entrepreneurs and innovators come from all industries and educational backgrounds. For Mitch Lasky, a foundation in the humanities inspired his creativity and gave him the critical-thinking and problem-solving skills that powered his personal "hero's journey" as a corporate leader, start-up entrepreneur, and venture capital investor. Join for a thought-provoking talk with Mitch, as he champions the crucial role of the humanities (and digital humanities) in shaping innovation and entrepreneurship. 5p—6:30p. Free


Worlds Encompassed: Premodern Making and Mingling

Peter J. Shields Library 100 NW Quad Davis

SHIELDS LIBRARY. Learn about the marvels of the premodern world through expert talks, graduate student posters, and a guided tour of the library’s exhibit of rare books and materials. 4:30p—7p. Free

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