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Event Series Pence Gallery Art Auction 2020

Pence Gallery Art Auction 2020

Pence Gallery (Pence) 212 D St., Davis, CA, United States

Bid online in our annual Art Auction to support the Pence Gallery’s programs all year round! Free registration allows buyers to participate in an engaging event that helps artists and the Gallery, while scoring spectacular art made by emerging and established artists. Over 150 pieces will be available online to view and bid on, beginning […]


The Artery Gives A Shout Out to KVIE: an exhibition

For many years The Artery has donated to the KVIE Art Auction, which raises funds to keep quality programming on the air.  The Artery recognizes fourteen members who have contributed to the KVIE Auction, past and present. The artists' works showcased in this exhibit are not the ones in the auction this year, but are available […]

Event Series Pence Gallery Art Auction 2020

Pence Gallery Art Auction 2020

Pence Gallery (Pence) 212 D St., Davis, CA, United States

Bid online in our annual Art Auction to support the Pence Gallery’s programs all year round! Free registration allows buyers to participate in an engaging event that helps artists and the Gallery, while scoring spectacular art made by emerging and established artists. Over 150 pieces will be available online to view and bid on, beginning […]

Event Series Pence Gallery Art Auction 2020

Pence Gallery Art Auction 2020

Pence Gallery (Pence) 212 D St., Davis, CA, United States

Bid online in our annual Art Auction to support the Pence Gallery’s programs all year round! Free registration allows buyers to participate in an engaging event that helps artists and the Gallery, while scoring spectacular art made by emerging and established artists. Over 150 pieces will be available online to view and bid on, beginning […]

Event Series Pence Gallery Art Auction 2020

Pence Gallery Art Auction 2020

Pence Gallery (Pence) 212 D St., Davis, CA, United States

Bid online in our annual Art Auction to support the Pence Gallery’s programs all year round! Free registration allows buyers to participate in an engaging event that helps artists and the Gallery, while scoring spectacular art made by emerging and established artists. Over 150 pieces will be available online to view and bid on, beginning […]

Event Series Pence Gallery Art Auction 2020

Pence Gallery Art Auction 2020

Pence Gallery (Pence) 212 D St., Davis, CA, United States

Bid online in our annual Art Auction to support the Pence Gallery’s programs all year round! Free registration allows buyers to participate in an engaging event that helps artists and the Gallery, while scoring spectacular art made by emerging and established artists. Over 150 pieces will be available online to view and bid on, beginning […]

Event Series Pence Gallery Art Auction 2020

Pence Gallery Art Auction 2020

Pence Gallery (Pence) 212 D St., Davis, CA, United States

Bid online in our annual Art Auction to support the Pence Gallery’s programs all year round! Free registration allows buyers to participate in an engaging event that helps artists and the Gallery, while scoring spectacular art made by emerging and established artists. Over 150 pieces will be available online to view and bid on, beginning […]


Pence Gallery Art Auction 2020

Pence Gallery (Pence) 212 D St., Davis, CA, United States

Bid online in our annual Art Auction to support the Pence Gallery’s programs all year round! Free registration allows buyers to participate in an engaging event that helps artists and the Gallery, while scoring spectacular art made by emerging and established artists. Over 150 pieces will be available online to view and bid on, beginning […]


Event Series If They Came to Life: Work by Caitlin McCarthy & Charlene Reinhart

If They Came to Life: Work by Caitlin McCarthy & Charlene Reinhart

Pence Gallery (Pence) 212 D St., Davis, CA, United States

We have a new art show coming up that is perfect for October, featuring artwork by Caitlin McCarthy and Charlene Reinhart. Uniting her interests in magic and art, Caitlin McCarthy’s drawings feature mystical women within otherworldly atmospheres. Meanwhile, Charlene Reinhart's small ceramic figures stylistically merge connections with the natural world and influences from her multicultural […]

Event Series Sara Post: This Is Not A Dream

Sara Post: This Is Not A Dream

Pence Gallery (Pence) 212 D St., Davis, CA, United States

This Is Not A Dream is abstract painter Sara Post’s response to current realities—a meditation on confinement and loss, uncertainty and change, solace and beauty—all of which define our present moment.   Exhibit on display: October 2 - November 1, 2020 Artist in Gallery: October 4, 2-5 PM* Nov. 7-8: Pigment Stick workshop with Sara […]


Botanical Blueprints Workshop w/ Linda Clark Johnson (via Zoom)

Pence Gallery (Pence) 212 D St., Davis, CA, United States

You don’t need to be an artist to enjoy making beautiful blue cyanotypes! Led by artist Linda Clark Johnson, this online introductory class will teach you the basics of this fun and easy alternative photographic technique. Using light sensitive chemicals, you’ll expose prints of plants in the sun and process them in water. By the […]

$90 – $100
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