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The Earth BioGenome Project

Melon Ball - Watermelon Music 1970 Lake Blvd, Suite #1, Davis, California, United States

In the midst of a global biodiversity crisis, the Earth BioGenome Project began sequencing and cataloging the genomes of all known plant, animal and certain microbal species - 1.8 million! Learn the status of this extraodinary venture from co-founder, UCD emeritus professor Harris Lewin. Presented by Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in person and live via […]


The Health Effects of Loneliness and Isolation

Online via Zoom

Human beings are social creatures with a powerful fundamental need to' belong.' Join in an online discussion with Dr. Rebecca Boxer of UC Davis Healthy Aging on this topic. She will share insights, data and recent research on the health and psychological effects of isolation and prolonged loneliness. Time for audience Q & A will […]

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