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Exhibit It! A Community Art Exhibit
It’s time for our annual non-juried exhibit to highlight the talent of our community’s artists! Exhibit It! is open to artists ages 16 and up. Artists self-select one piece (limit 30” in any direction, including frame, and no more than 50 lb.) and bring it to the Pence on Friday, June 28, beginning at 11:30 AM. All artworks must be ready to install.
The Pence will accept the first 50 artworks that are submitted after the artist has paid the submission fee ($25 for Pence Members, $35 for Non-Members) and completed an artist contract, which is provided upon arrival. Please be prepared to fill out information about your piece, including title, medium, dimensions, retail price, etc. This is a first come, first served process. No early drop-offs accepted.
Participants can win the Curator’s Choice award of $100, announced during the reception on July 12. Or they can win the Public Choice award, which includes a free Pence annual membership and a picture in the Davis Enterprise. The Public Choice award is determined by the top number of votes made by visitors to the exhibit and announced after the show has concluded.
Drop-off date: Friday, June 28 (beginning at 11:30 AM until spots have filled)
Submission fee: $25 Members, $35 Non-Members
Exhibit dates: July 5 – August 18, 2024
Reception: July 12, 6 – 9 PM (Awards at 7:30 PM)
This exhibit is sponsored by Phil & Dawn Daro.