By: Hanna Nakano
April 13 & 14
The Davis Art Studio Tour returns this month, with a group of forty artists inviting the community to step into their private art studios for a glimpse at their practice.
This two-day tour of Davis-based artists’ studios is self-guided, allowing you to create your own itinerary and visit participating artists to see where their work is created at your leisure.
Ro Mottsmith is an artist who creates intricate layered cut paper art. It’s a detailed and complex process that isn’t always apparent from looking at a finished piece.
“I’ll be displaying some of my finished work, but I’ll also be giving demonstrations of some of the steps in my process,” Mottsmith told The Dirt. “One thing I hope people take away is that you can create art with relatively simple tools. Art is for everyone and I hope my modest studio inspires people to play with whatever materials they have on hand.”
Artists opening their studio to the Tour this year work in painting, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, encaustic, mixed media, and more.
“The Davis Art Studio Tour is special because it lets us explore our curiosity together,” Mottsmith said. “Art lovers get to peek at the work that goes into making art, maybe demystifying a process they’ve always wondered about, and art creators get to learn more about how our work resonates with actual real live people instead of spending all of our time in our studios alone.”
Tour maps are free and available at The Artery, Pence Gallery, The Paint Chip, Logos Books, and more.
Head to for a mobile version.
Participating Artists
Deladier Almeida
Ricki Kimball
Troy Boepple
Marianne Kist-de Boer
Gayle M. BonDurant
Alan Klinger
Sue Britz
Robin Kozloff
Marie-Therese Brown
Cynthia Martin Kroener
Roshelle Carlson
Donna Lemongello
Schorré Chevalier Oldham
Jonathan C. Lewis
Magdalene Crivelli
Doriene Marshall
Bunny Jean Cunningham
Jack McTiernan
Marieke de Waard
Laura Morton
Paul Erhartic
Ro Mottsmith
Karen Fess
Jessie Nakahara
Phil Gross
Jord Nelsen
Amina Harris
Natalie Nelson
Wes Horn
Michael Radin
Cathie James-Robinson
Adele Louise Shaw
Nikhil Joshi
Amy Teutemacher
Kristina Kernytska
Stasia Tikkanen
Chris Kidd
Jan Walke
Joanna Kidd
Thelma Weatherford