2nd Friday ArtAbout is a monthly self guided artwalk exploring art installations and receptions at galleries, art co-ops, and businesses in Davis. This free event offers art, activities, live music, and opportunities to converse with featured artists.
Discover local and regional talent, new artistic styles, and unique creations while experiencing the vibrancy of downtown. Come out with your friends and loved ones and savor this local experience.

2nd Friday ArtAbout generally runs from 5 – 9 pm, but each venue has their own specific reception time. See the monthly 2nd Friday ArtAbout Guide and Map (above) for specifics. Also, be sure to follow the event on Facebook for up-to-date information @ https://www.facebook.com/davisartabout.
Please fill out the 2nd Friday ArtAbout Host Venue Interest Form to express interest in joining as a participating host venue.