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The Dirt

Slowing the Spread, Spreading out the Fun! Seven Days of Halloween

This October 25-31st, Downtown Davis will come alive with a bounty of Fall festivities and Halloween activities! From scavenger hunts and pumpkin contests to seasonal eats and Oktoberfest-themed drinks, your favorite local businesses are offering plenty of safe, family-friendly options to celebrate the holiday all week long.

In an effort to minimize large crowds (and maximize the Halloween fun), the Davis Downtown Business Association (DDBA) has worked with businesses to spread out the Halloween celebration across an entire week of festivities. Additionally, the annual Trick-or-Treat Trail, notorious for drawing out large crowds of Davisites and members from neighboring communities, will NOT be taking place this year out of an abundance of caution for public health and safety. 

DDBA Marketing Coordinator Aaron Wedra notes, “Not doing the treat trail was common sense for us because we don’t want to create a dangerous situation.” Continuing to put the community first, the DDBA came up with the idea of Seven Days of Halloween, thus preserving both safety and fun.

While Davis’ autumn ambiance can be enjoyed throughout the entire season, there will be special activities available the week of Halloween:

1. E Street Plaza: Recently converted into an expanded pedestrian zone as part of Open Air Davis, E Street Plaza has been transformed into an Autumn Wonderland! “We put out corn stalks, hay bales, lights, and brand new picnic tables—there are people eating out there most days,” shares Wedra. “It hasn’t been this vibrant in decades.” 

Additionally, each Saturday of October, a Pink Pumpkin Fundraiser will be taking place at the Plaza; FREE pink pumpkins for all breast cancer survivors and those fighting the battle. 

Come enjoy the harvest heart of downtown anytime through November!

2. Storefront Decorating Contest: Downtown businesses are dressing up for Halloween/Day of the Dead! While some stores may be decorated in lights and zombies, cultural art and ofrendas can be found in others. Already, some favorites are The Style Lounge’s spooky graveyard, Woodstock’s haunted hayride ambiance, and the businesses surrounding E Street Plaza. 

Stroll around downtown to help determine the Best-Decorated businesses for the holidays! Voting will take place here on the DDBA’s Facebook page Oct. 25-31st.

3. Candy Giveaway: Visit these downtown businesses from Oct. 25-30 for Halloween candy! (Businesses will NOT be handing out treats on October 31).

4. Downtown Scavenger Hunt: From Oct. 25-30, embark on a downtown adventure! You have six days to solve riddles to unlock both mini and grand prizes while exploring downtown. Print out the Scavenger Hunt Riddle Sheet here (or pick one up from Zumapoke & Lush Ice) and collect initials from downtown businesses. 

Take photos while on your search and share them for a chance to win Pizza for a Year @ Woodstock’s or Shaved Ice for a Year @ Zumapoke & Lush Ice. Other prizes include cupcakes from Let Them Eat Cake, gift cards from Boheme Hip Used Clothing and Bubble Belly, and a month of classes at Pure Barre!

5. Decorating Contests: Tune into your creative side for these fall-themed decoration contests!

Davis Food Co-op Pumpkin Decorating Contest: Decorate your pumpkin (carved, painted, costumed—anything goes!) and drop it off at the front bench on Tuesday, 10/27 between 4:30-5:00pm. Pumpkins will be displayed and voted on until 10/30, and the winner will be announced on Halloween! (Questions? Email marketing@davisfood.coop)

Zumapoke Pumpkin Carving Contest: Carve your pumpkin and submit it to Zumapoke & Lush Ice on Sunday, Oct. 25. Each submission receives a bag of candy, and grand prizes include Free Shaved Ice for a year, $100, and $50 to Zumapoke!

Davis Creamery Cookie Decoration Contest: Decorate a cookie and submit a photo to daviscreamery@gmail.com or @daviscreamery on Instagram by October 30. Winners will be announced on Halloween, with prizes of gift cards and caramel apples!

6. Zombie Bike Ride: On Saturday, October 31st between 12pm–3pm, ride along the Davis Bike Loop for fun, laughs, socially distanced photo-ops, totally safe Halloween experiences and more. Details and a downloadble map, here!

Be safe everyone! Find the most up-to-date recommendations from Yolo County on their webpage.

Victoria McJunkin is a senior at UC Davis and a regular contributor to The Dirt.

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