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The Dirt

I-House hosts Racial Equity Learning lab

International House Davis (I-House) is hosting a Racial Equity Learning lab for Non-profit Leaders in Yolo County.

Non-profit leaders are invited to join I-House and Racial Justice Advocates, a consulting firm of organizational activists in Sacramento, for a 4-session learning lab to to harness our local nonprofit community’s collective power to foster systemic change and create an anti-racist future for our community. I-House is accepting applications for the first learning lab until April 26th on the I-House website at www.internationalhousedavis.org. Come learn with us!

On every other Thursday morning in May and June, we will be hosting a learning lab for non-profit leaders who are interested in creating a shared understanding of how racial inequities, attitudes, policies, and practices have collectively created predictable adverse outcomes for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and have shaped their institutions. Addressing the root causes of racial inequities builds organizational accountability needed to address underlying causes of racial inequities and moves an organization toward establishing a commitment to becoming a culturally responsive organization. At I-House, we believe that the non-profit sector has the power to address racial inequities and create a better future in our community and our world. The program was funded in part by the City of Davis Arts and Cultural Affairs Program.

To apply and learn more about the Racial Equity Learning Lab, go to https://internationalhousedavis.org/program/seasonal-and-monthly-programs/racial-equity-learning-lab/

Update: The deadline has been extended to April 26th!

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