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The Dirt

Davis City Holiday Tree Lighting Set for December 2

The 40th annual Holiday Tree Lighting returns to downtown Davis at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 2, in the E Street Plaza. Due to COVID-19 precautions, the Candlelight Parade and in-person Santa visits will not be taking place this year, however there are many other festivities happening. 

Photo from the Children’s Parade in a previous year. The parade will not be held this year, but there will be local performance groups and and other celebratory activities downtown this December. [Photo: Ashley Muir Bruhn]

Mayor Gloria Partida is looking forward to this year’s event and said, “While we still are taking precautions with gatherings, we are looking forward for an opportunity to celebrate with modified festivities. If it is safe for you, and you are comfortable to come downtown, there will be local performance groups and the chance to support our favorite stores.”

Beginning at 6:00 p.m. musical performances will begin in the plaza and the annual countdown to lighting the tree will take place at 6:30 p.m. Performances will continue throughout the evening both at the plaza and in front of the Hunt Boyer Mansion located at 604 Second Street. Local groups scheduled to perform are: the Davis Children’s Chorale, the Davis High School Jazz Choir, the Davis High School Madrigals and Mariachi Del Valle. 

Free screenings of the short film “Merry Madagascar” will be shown at the Varsity Theatre located at 616 Second Street at 6:00 p.m., 6:40 p.m. and 7:20 p.m. 

A festive Unitrans double decker bus will be parked in the E Street Plaza. Unitrans will have a fun photo opportunity and be collecting toys for the Davis Police Officers Association and City of Davis Annual Toys for Tots drive.

The Davis Downtown Business Association will be kicking off its “December to Remember” month with the 10th Annual Window Décor Debut. There will be a virtual map to direct visitors. Please visit https://davisdowntown.com/ for a listing of the month’s activities. 

Downtown visitors should also be on the lookout for Santa sightings as we’ve been told that while he’s not able to see kids in person, he will be roaming the downtown streets and waving hello. You may also spot Frosty the Snowman and some of his other friends walking around. 

For more information about the Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony and festivities, contact Carrie Dyer at cdyer@cityofdavis.org

Press Release via the Davis City Website

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