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Celebrate Black History Month at The Avid Reader
February is Black History Month! Let’s celebrate with local children’s book author Anita Crawford Clark. The Avid Reader is thrilled to host local author, Anita Crawford Clark, in celebration of her debut picture book: Old to Joy. Clark wrote and illustrated this heartwarming book about finding beauty everywhere, even at Grandmama’s house. This event is

Five Ways to Avoid Amazon: A Local, Last Minute Holiday Shopping Guide
Here are five ways you can avoid doing your holiday shopping on a website that we all know and begrudgingly use.

Okay, Cupid Author to Visit Avid Reader
Author Mason Deaver is coming to The Avid Reader on January 5th to celebrate the release

Avid Blog: Mac Barnett & Shawn Harris visit Davis
Above all, these two children’s authors are fun, silly and engaging. They know how to capture our kid’s imaginations and tickle their funny bones.