bike lane sign
Picture of The Dirt

The Dirt

Back to school bicycling tips

By: Barbara Archer, City of Davis

With the start of the K-12 school year upon us, the City of Davis is sharing some helpful tips for families, drivers and students to consider as they travel through Davis: 

• Bike Helmets: Did you know that bike helmets should be replaced every 3-5 years, depending on how often they’re used? Bike helmets can be damaged or degraded by things like sun exposure, sweat or accidents/falls. Also, everyone under the age of 18 years old is required by State law to wear a helmet. 

• Practice: Try riding your route to school often to get more comfortable with your bike and the route. Also consider that there may be construction projects happening around town that might affect your route and potentially add time or detours. 

• Education: Are you interested in becoming more knowledgeable and skilled in the rules of the road and where to ride in Davis? The City of Davis offers free, online bike education classes for teens and adults. Sign-up at:

• Active4.Me: Get a text, email or phone call when your elementary school student arrives at school by registering for the free program at their school site. The program uses barcode technology to capture trips to school and even computes the impact each trip has on CO2, gas, dollars and calories. Sign-up at your school in the bike parking area. 

• Bike Parking: End each bike ride by parking and securing your bike to a bike rack. A good tip is to lock the frame and wheels to a bike rack.

• Spin Scooters and Bikes: Spin has e-bikes and e-scooters available to ride in Davis. Only those who are 18 years and over are allowed to ride these devices. There are designated slow and no parking zones in the City for Spin devices. For more information visit: Use the Spin Promo code SpinDavis for $10 off your ride. 

• Patience: For parents or guardians dropping off students in a car, consider adding buffer time in the morning for last-minute delays or issues and look out for people biking, walking or scooting. If someone is slowing down or stopped ahead of you in a car do not go around them. The motorist could be stopped to allow someone to walk or bike across the street. Never cross a double yellow stripe or drive in the bike lane to pass someone on the road. 

• Parked Cars: Students or people who are bicycling or scooting should stay in the bike lane and stay three to five feet away from the car door zone. Drivers may open their car doors unexpectedly. Drivers who park their cars on the street should always look behind them for bicyclists before opening car doors.

For more tips on bicycling in Davis, including registering your bike or finding the nearest Safe Routes to School, visit:

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